
The Afif Quintet: Jazz In Black & White

I'm kinda into jazz like a bystander to a marathon. A spectator to a sport so into itself that it will exist as long as there are marathoners. Jazz is like that, kind of... jazz will be there as long as jazz musicians are willing to learn and play for themselves whether or not someone will listen. But like marathon, even if you don't run yourself, you will always root for those who are crazy enough to go the distance. And that's how jazz is for me; I will always appreciate the music these jazzmen create whether or not I understand the music they're playing.


In-House B&W

I just developed my first black & white negatives! It came out alright, actually. Though, if you look hard enough, you'll see some paw prints on one side of the frame. Guess which one.
These pictures were taken February of this year. It's quite old, I know, but I was hesitant to start my own developing :p
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